延缓肌肤衰老迹象的出现,令肌肤重新变得白晰明亮 ✨
全天然配方,不添加任何化学成分,让祛斑温和、更安全深入真皮层,抑制黑色素细胞活跃,从根本治疗雀斑。 所有肌肤类型 (干性、油性、混合性、敏感性) 都适合使用!
~ 淡化色素、祛除色斑、分解黑色素
~ 主要成分对苯二酚可以抑制黑色素的生成
~ 局部点涂即可,用量很省
✅ A miracle freckle cream to lighten and reduce dark spots, sun spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, scars, melasma, uneven tones and diminishing the appearance of the sign of aging revealing a more radiant complexion.
✅ The freckle cream can be used for all parts of the face and body. Especially for the face, hand, chest, knee, elbow and other sensitive skin.
✅ Natural formula works deeply in the skin, none of harsh chemicals, premium quality lightening serum is extremely gentle and safe for daily use. There are no negative side effects.
✅ It is specially designed for all skin types and works for men and women.
Apply to the affected area (morbid area) 1 to 2 times a day (morning and before bedtime).
Main Ingredient
Approximately 1g of Hydroquinone (USP) 40mg
Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate (KP) 1.6mg
Propyl Parahydroxybenzoate (KP) 0.4mg