#2022年荣获化解排行第一名 韩国本土最爱的评价遮瑕
被测评为“全能遮瑕膏” 能遮盖细小的斑点,瑕疵且持久服帖无粘腻能牢牢扒在我们的脸上不卡纹 全面遮盖零瑕疵
自带防晒系数SPF30PA++,日常又多了一层抵御紫外线的屏障。 防水、防汗、高遮瑕、滋润不卡粉、持久度高,遮瑕该有的优点他都有。
- 13瑭瓷白 浅米黄色能自然提亮,遮盖白皙肌肤上的瑕疵
- 21象牙白 粉米色能遮盖斑点及适合偏亮肌肤
- 22暖象牙 米黄色能遮盖斑点
- 23自然色 自然色能遮盖瑕疵及修容(下巴和鼻梁)
Provides full-coverage and can cover small moles and skin redness with a small amount.
#No.13 Porcerlain
the yellow beige color for complete coverage for spots and other discoloration on fair skin tones
#No. 20 Ivory
- the pink beige color for complete coverage for spots and other discoloration on light skin tones
#No. 21 Warm Ivory
- the yellow beige color for complete coverage for spots and other discoloration on light skin tones
#No. 23 Natural Beige
- the natural beige color for complete coverage for spots and other discoloration on natural skin tones