#宋智雅推荐 纯手残党真爱
眼妆用对工具就事半功倍,OLIVE YOUNG限时优惠的眼部刷子套装,一组就包含5支必备的刷子和收纳盒
·阴影刷 - 斜面剪裁适用打造眼部,鼻子等的阴影专用刷。
·眼影打底刷 - 刷毛柔软,可以均匀显色不结块!
·眼影晕染刷 - 可连接不同颜色的边界部分,还可以立起来涂在眼底部分或重点部位。
·眉刷 - 斜角眉刷可以画出更自然的眉形,告别蜡笔小新眉毛!
·重点眼影刷 - 在薄薄涂上重点颜色时使用最适合!
Includes 5 types of eye makeup brushes:
- Angled shadow brush: Shading on the eyelids and along the nose bridge to define the eyes
- Base shadow brush: To apply makeup on wide areas along the eyelids
- Point shadow brush: For the light application of point colors
- Blending shadow brush: To blend color edges or to accentuate under-eye lines or point colors
- Eyebrow brush: To fill in eyebrows